Sirince Terrace Houses is a small Anglo-Turkish business, which started in 1999 when our family fell in love with the village. Two months after our first visit, we discovered what was to become our home. It belonged to a local shepherd who had been living in one room in the house, whilst the rest was inhabited by swallows. Downstairs was a windowless abandoned stable which we explored with the help of a box of matches.
We have backgrounds in teaching and handicrafts and had already restored period apartments in the Genoese heart of the city of Istanbul, Omer's home town. Encouraged by completing our home, we acquired 2 complete wrecks and started to reconstruct them. These were to become Fig House and Olive House. After 6 years of painstaking restoration, the 2 cottages opened for business and were joined some years later by Clockmakers cottage which comprises of 2 independent suites on different floors of the old cottage by. Unable to resist the beauty of Sirince, we have now given up city life for good.
As this is a heavily protected historical village we had to wait 15 years to complete the last restoration project and are happy to announce that Grapevine House, our most luxurious house to date, opened at the beginning of 2021 providing stylish accommodation in the heart of the village .
We are helped by our 2 daughters Sibel and Nesrin when they can spare the time from their busy city lives and the very capable Aysel Hanim, who ensures that everything is kept up to scratch for all visitors. No doubt during your stay you will meet one or all of us as we all like to spend as much time as possible in the village.


Charlotte and Omer Samli